
My Favorite Singer ⅰ:Sheena Ringo

Name / Sheena Ringo 椎名林檎
Birth Date / November, 25 1978
Birth Place / Japan

Let me introduce my favorite singer. =)
As opposed to agency, Ringo made her debut as "幸福論 Gohukuron (Happy Theory)"
She really doesn't like first debut song.
She wanted another song : "すべりだい Seuberidayi (Slide)"
*Later she will arrange 幸福論 Gohukuron (Happy Theory)*

Her real name is Sheena Yumiko.
There are many rumors that the nickname Ringo. (Ringo means apple in Japanese)
First, She is the longing for the Beatles' Ringo Starr.
Second, because the childhood nickname, Ringo.
Finally, a lot of shyness was her face always red.

At first I hated her voice.
But as time passed, her voice felt a special.

This is my favorite song : カリソメ乙女 (temporary virgin)

♬Sheena Ringo Sings Radiohead's Creep

♬ Put your camera down

She is an entertainer is a wide range of activities : Singer, Band, Music director.
Someday I want to go to her concert. I want to hear it from her powerful voice.

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